Gaius Asinius Frugi (b. ca 80), was the monet. of Phrygia between 98 and 116. He was probably a descendant of Nicomachus (ca 30 BC - aft. 1 BC), a notable of Lydia in 1 BC.
He married and had probably a son Gaius Asinius Rufus (ca 110 - aft. 136), who was also a notable in Lydia in 134 and 135 and became a Roman Senator in 136, and who married Julia, daughter of A. Julius Claudius Charax (ca 115 - aft. 147), granddaughter of G. Julius Lupus T. Vibius Varus Laevillus (ca 95 - aft. 132) and wife Julia Quadratilla (b. ca 100), and through her great-granddaughter of Gaius Julius Quadratus Bassus (ca 70 - 117), a romanized Galatian, Legate at Judaea between 102/103 and 104/105, Consul of Rome in 105 and Proconsul of Asia in 105, and wife Julia, Princess of Cilicia (b. ca 80), and had issue.